2014年7月17日 星期四


連   結1 ←   90% 像樣的麥當勞English Muffin(製英式鬆餅)!! 

連  結2 ← **大雞排 (Dà jī pái)** 

chicken breast or thigh (deboned)雞胸肉
3 cups of water 水
1/2 cup of rice wine 米酒
1 cup of soy sauce 醬油
2 tablespoons of grated ginger 薑汁
2 tablespoons of five spice powder 辣椒粉
3 tablespoons of brown sugar 红糖
2 tablespoons of Chinese barbecue sauce 烤肉醬
salt and pepper鹽和胡椒
1 cup of cornstarch 太白粉
3 eggs 雞蛋
sweet potato flour 地瓜粉
panko bread crumbs 麵包粉
frying oil 油

連  結 3 ← (蛋塔)~製作酥皮麵糰Puff Pastry 

連  結 4 ←  #台湾肉圓 (Ròu yuán) 

For the dough: 面糰
1 cup of water for 1 cup of rice flour 一杯水一杯糯米粉
1.25 cups of water for 1.5 cups of sweet potato flour
salt and pepper 1.25杯的水加入1.5 杯的薯粉+少許的鹽和胡椒粉
For the meatballs: 肉餡
0.5 lb ground pork or minced pork 猪肉
1 large boiled bamboo shoot 竹荀
3 shiitake mushrooms 菇
1 tsp of white pepper 白胡椒粉
1 tbsp of soy sauce 醬油
2 shallots 小葱頭
1 tsp of 5 spice powder 辣椒粉
Chinese parsley as garnish
For the sauce:
1 tbsp of mirin 味精
1 tbsp of ketchup 茄汁
2 tbsp of sweet chili sauce 甜辣椒醬
1 tbsp of chili bean sauce 辣椒豆瓣醬

